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Sedation Dentistry at Brookside Dental Care in Allentown, PA

Experience Comfort & Calm at Brookside Dental Care

Welcome to Brookside Dental Care, your trusted partner for sedation dentistry in Allentown, PA. We understand that visiting the dentist can be a source of anxiety for many. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry options to ensure a calm, stress-free experience for all our patients, whether it’s a routine checkup or a more complex dental procedure.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It’s often referred to as "sleep dentistry," although that term is not entirely accurate, as patients are usually awake except for those who are under general anesthesia. At Brookside Dental Care, we offer various levels of sedation to meet the unique needs of each patient:

Nitrous Oxide (“Laughing Gas”):

A mild sedative that helps you relax during your procedure while remaining fully conscious.

Oral Sedation:

Involves taking a prescribed dose of sedative drug before your appointment. You remain awake but in a significantly relaxed state.

IV Sedation:

Administered through a vein, this type allows the dentist to continually adjust the level of sedation.

Why Choose Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is an excellent option for anyone who feels anxious about dental procedures, has had unpleasant dental experiences in the past, or simply wants to ensure the utmost comfort during their visit. Here’s why sedation dentistry might be right for you:

For Anxiety and Fear:

Dental anxiety and phobia are real concerns that prevent many individuals from seeking necessary care. Sedation dentistry helps by easing the fear, making the dental visit a more pleasant experience.

Complex Dental Issues:

For patients needing extensive or multiple dental procedures, sedation allows for longer session durations with little to no discomfort, enabling complete treatment in fewer visits.

Sensitive Oral Nerves:

If you have sensitive teeth or gums, even minor treatments can be uncomfortable. Sedation dentistry reduces this sensitivity, providing a pain-free dental experience.

Difficulty Staying Still:

Children, as well as some adults, may find it difficult to stay still during dental procedures. Sedation can help in managing these movements, which is crucial for precision in dental work.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation does more than help manage anxiety, it offers other significant benefits that enhance the overall dental care experience as well:

Increased Comfort:

Sedatives help to relax the body and mind, alleviating the discomfort that some dental procedures might cause. Patients often feel more at ease and comfortable throughout their treatment.

Improved Efficiency:

With the patient relaxed, dentists can work more swiftly and effectively. This is particularly advantageous during complex procedures that would otherwise require multiple appointments.

Better Patient Cooperation:

Sedation can help reduce reflexes that may interfere with dental work, such as a strong gag reflex, ensuring that procedures can be completed without interruption.

Amnesia Effect:

Some forms of sedation, particularly IV sedation, can induce partial amnesia. Patients may not remember parts of the procedure, which is beneficial for those with severe dental anxiety.


Sedation dentistry is closely monitored by experienced professionals, making it a safe option for eligible patients. It significantly reduces the stress on both the patient and the dentist, leading to safer, more predictable outcomes.

Access to Dental Care:

By removing the barrier of fear, more patients are likely to seek and receive regular, preventative dental care, leading to better overall oral health.

These expanded benefits not only underscore the physical advantages of sedation dentistry but also highlight the emotional and psychological relief it offers, making it a valuable option for many patients at Brookside Dental Care.

The Sedation Dentistry Process at Brookside Dental Care

Consultation and Planning:

Before any sedative is administered, our dentists—Dr. Navid Hadian, Dr. Timothy Burke, and Dr. John Gilliland—conduct a thorough consultation to understand your medical history and discuss your concerns and preferences. This ensures a tailored sedation plan that aligns with your health needs and dental goals.

During the Procedure:

Our certified and experienced dental team will administer the sedation. Throughout the procedure, your vital signs are monitored to ensure your utmost safety.

Post-Procedure Care:

After your treatment, we provide detailed post-care instructions and support. Depending on the type of sedation used, you may need someone to drive you home.

Safety and Side Effects of Sedation Dentistry

At Brookside Dental Care, safety is our priority. Sedation dentistry is closely regulated, and we adhere to strict guidelines to ensure your safety and comfort. Side effects are rare and may include drowsiness, mild nausea, or dizziness, which typically resolve quickly.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

We are accepting new patients and have a very flexible schedule and are open late from Monday – Thursday to better accommodate all of our patients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Sedation Dentistry

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Absolutely. Our dentists, Dr. Navid Hadian, Dr. Timothy Burke, and Dr. John Gilliland, are trained and certified in sedation techniques, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience for all our patients. We adhere to strict safety protocols and continuously monitor your well-being during the procedure.

Will I be completely unconscious?

No, most sedative options will relax you but you will remain awake and able to communicate. IV sedation and certain doses of oral sedation can induce a deeper state where you may be semi-conscious and not remember much of the procedure.

How long will the effects of sedation last?

The effects depend on the type of sedative used. Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, wears off quickly within minutes after the gas is stopped. Oral and IV sedatives may have lingering effects for a few hours after the procedure. It's recommended to arrange transportation home as you should not drive until the effects fully wear off.

Can anyone receive sedation dentistry?

While sedation dentistry is safe for most patients, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain medical conditions or those who are pregnant should discuss their medical history with our dentists. A thorough review of your health history and a discussion about your needs and concerns will help determine if sedation dentistry is right for you.

What should I do to prepare for a procedure involving sedation?

Before your sedation dentistry appointment, our team will provide specific instructions based on the type of sedation you will be receiving. Generally, you may be asked to fast for several hours before the procedure. It’s also important to inform us about any medications or supplements you are taking as they can interact with the sedatives.

How do I know which type of sedation is right for me?

The choice of sedation depends on your level of anxiety, the complexity and length of the procedure, and your overall health. During your consultation, our dentists will explain the options available and recommend the best type of sedation to suit your needs.

Are there any after-effects of sedation I should be aware of?

After-effects vary depending on the type of sedation used. Common sensations include grogginess, slight dizziness, or minor amnesia about the procedure. These effects generally diminish within a few hours. We provide detailed post-procedure care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.